In Rennes, a trip planner improves accessibility for persons with reduced mobility

In Rennes, a trip planner improves accessibility for persons with reduced mobility

In Rennes, a trip planner improves accessibility for persons with reduced mobility
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PostedJUN. 20, 2024
Using roadway data provided by Rennes Métropole, the software developer Someware has rolled out a highly accurate pedestrian mapping solution and trip planner tailored to the needs of persons with reduced mobility, called Handimap. The solution can be integrated as an additional feature on a trip-planning website or app. Since July 2023, this feature has been available for the STAR network in Rennes.

Open data and digital innovation in the service of accessibility for persons with reduced mobility

In Rennes Métropole, improving all forms of mobility is a priority. The transport authority is notably working to develop tools for the general public that encourage “walkability,” or pedestrian accessibility, within the city and its networks. The goal is to improve local mobility, especially for persons with reduced mobility, including people with disabilities, the elderly and young parents with strollers. 


The development of this tool was facilitated by Rennes Métropole’s open data policy, which provides access to all its road data (including about road types, dependencies and construction). Keolis teamed up with software developer Someware, a specialist in designing mapping tools, to adapt its Handimap trip planner to the specific needs of the Rennes area.

A highly accurate and free trip planner

Handimap calculates all pedestrian routes for the STAR application, which equates to nearly 100,000 routes daily. While other trip planners suggest routes in the middle of the street, Handimap recommends routes on sidewalks and indicates where to cross the street. When users check the “Accessibility” box on the “Trip planner” page, Handimap proposes accessible routes considering three types of information:

- Sidewalks, pathways, passages, public transport and more

- Ground conditions (such as road slopes, steps, presence of cobblestones and sidewalk width) 

- Urban events such as construction (if recorded in the database)


This precision surpasses other online mapping services, as Handimap eliminates areas that are inaccessible to people with disabilities or reduced mobility, thus improving the accessibility of the region.

Screenshot of Handimap itinerary with crosswalk
Screenshot of Handimap itinerary with crosswalk
Screenshot of the Handimap solution on the app

When users check the “Accessibility” box on the “Trip planner” page, Handimap proposes accessible routes.


the creation of Handimap by Someware


municipalities are covered in the Rennes metropolitan area

40 000

daily connections to the STAR network planner (all route requests combined)

An innovation endorsed by persons with reduced mobility organizations

The primary benefit of Handimap relates to usage. Users have given positive feedback regarding accessibility: the system’s relevance and its ability to deliver genuinely suitable routes have been praised by local organizations, such as Collectif Handicap 35, which have been involved in the project from the start.


Another benefit is the successful partnership between Keolis, Rennes Métropole and the local startup Someware. The project is energizing the region's startup ecosystem and enabling the development of a forward-thinking solution that aims to expand throughout France and internationally.

People with reduced mobility on the Rennes network
People with reduced mobility on the Rennes network
The city of Rennes

The development of this tool was facilitated by Rennes Métropole’s open data policy, which provides access to all its road data (including about road types, dependencies and construction). 


Denis Le Texier

Digital Client & Data Manager

"The accuracy is superior to other mapping apps, which often place the pedestrian route in the middle of a roadway. With Handimap, the route shows which sidewalk to use, as well as the precise crosswalks to use. This is a significant advantage for accessibility."

Toward even more precise trip planning

The first few months of operation have identified several areas for optimization. The first is to provide an even more comprehensive map with more data, such as the configuration of metro station entrances and exits and identifying specific facilities (such as elevators and escalators). An “indoor” map is also being considered to improve accessibility for persons with reduced mobility and disabled people within stations.


A second improvement area involves the real-time detection of obstacles such as cars parked on sidewalks and occasional construction work.


Finally, other features are being studied to expand Handimap’s use cases. For example, creating “cool routes” prioritizing shady areas and water sources in hot weather or generating tourist walking routes around the city’s main points of interest are potential features currently being explored.

Screenshot of a Handimap itinerary
Screenshot of a Handimap itinerary

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