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Keolis rewards innovation at its 2nd Innovation Awards edition

The Keolis Innovation Awards ceremony took place on October 10, 2023 and highlighted many different concrete initiatives rolled out on the Keolis networks, in partnership with each Public Transport Authority. It was a perfect chance for our networks to showcase their most remarkable innovations. After the success of the first edition held in 2021, 114 innovations were submitted for the second event. The 13 finalists pitched their innovations before a jury that voted on five winners.



    OCT. 23, 2023

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    What are the Keolis Innovation Awards?

    Every year, innovations are developed within each of the networks and business lines. Whether disruptive or incremental, all of them lend concrete solutions to the operational challenges facing public transport every day. For this reason, the aim of the Keolis Innovation Awards—whose first edition was held in 2021 and the second in 2023—is to highlight and promote all of these local initiatives. It also helps to accelerate the scale up of innovations with a strong potential to be replicated across our networks.

    Innovation Awards 2023
    Innovation Awards 2023
    Marie-Ange Debon

    Marie-Ange Debon

    Chairwoman of the Executive Board of Keolis

    "Innovation is one of the pillars of how we support our business lines. The goal of the Innovation Awards is also to identify innovations with the potential to be replicated to enrich our offer, improve our performance and of course differentiate our company."

    Focus on the selection process with the Jury members

    For this new edition of the Innovation Awards, 114 innovation projects were submitted by all of the Group’s subsidiaries and business lines. The submissions were carefully examined by a multidisciplinary jury composed of individuals from the Group and its subsidiaries, as well as individuals from outside the Group to offer an external perspective on these innovations.

    Jury Innovation Awards 2023

    Members of the Jury from left to right :
    Sandrine Gaubert - Customer Experience and Digital Marketing Dir. - Group
    Samantha Murat - Customer, Community and Innovation Dir. - KeolisAmey Docklands
    Adrien Broué - Head of Innovation Lab - Group
    Aurélien Braud - Commercial Marketing and Intermodality Dir. - Keolis Bordeaux Métropole Mobilités
    Sofia Escamilla - UX Strategist & Researcher - Group
    Mikael Mourey - Health and Safety Dir. - Group
    Carla Purcell - CEO - Yarra Trams
    Laurent Calvalido - Operations Dir. - Keolis Dijon Métropole
    Alexis Aubert - Head of Innovation Strategy - Group
    Alexis Lacour - Chief of staff to Group CFO - Group
    Abdellah Chajai - CEO - Keolis Commuter Services
    David O'neill - Marketing and Innovation Dir. - Keolis IDF
    Arnaud Julien - Innovation Dir. - Group
    Arnaud Coiffard - Strategy, Innovation & New Markets Dir. - SNCF Connect & Tech
    Antonia Hoog - Sustainable Development and Commitment Dir. - Group
    Arvid Rockert - Strategy Dir. - Keolis Continental Europe
    Alexis Jovignot - Innovation, Projects and IT Dir. - Keolis Tours
    Laurent Senecat - Operations Dir. - Keolis Besançon Mobilités
    Matthieu Rémy - Head of Open Innovation - Group
    Joëlle Touré - Delegate General - Futura Mobility

    Diversity was the watchword of this year’s innovations, which included technological innovations, low tech, processes and new management approaches. For each of the four categories, the 20 jury members  evaluated projects based on three criteria: the value delivered by the project, the differentiating character, the potential to be replicated

    13 finalists were selected and invited to pitch their innovation at the awards ceremony on October 10, 2023.


    Innovation projects submitted for the 2nd edition





    The 2023 Winners: Key takeaways from the 2023 Innovation Awards

    For the second edition of the 2023 Keolis Innovation Awards, 114 innovation projects were submitted. Originating from 13 countries where the Group operates, these innovations serve the Group’s strong commitments:
          Improving the customer experience,
          Keeping both passengers and employees safe,
          Optimizing the performance of our networks,
          Monitoring environmental and operational excellence

    The five winners of the 2023 edition

    In addition to the category awards, a Special Audience award selected by Group employees was given out during the pitch ceremony on October 10, 2023. Participation was very high with more than 1,100 votes cast from all our regions.

    Discover the 2023 winners:

    Special Audience Award: The Smart Station in Dubai

    The Smart Station concept was developed by Keolis in Dubai with its PTA RTA to test and showcase innovations in passenger services, operations, maintenance and sustainability. It provides a collaborative environment for industry experts, startups and universities to create new solutions. Fifteen pilot projects are currently being tested and evaluated with more to come.

    Marie-Ange Debon awarded the prize to Stéphane de Kergorlay for the Smart Station project.
    Marie-Ange Debon awarded the prize to Stéphane de Kergorlay for the Smart Station project.

    Award in the Passenger category: Augmented Guidance in Nancy

    In 2023 in Nancy, as part of the project to replace the main tramway line with a trolleybus line, Keolis rolled out a solution with its PTA the Métropole du Grand Nancy to guide passengers from closed stops to transfer stops. By simply scanning a QR code with their smartphone, passengers can receive augmented reality images to guide them from stop to stop, offering greater assistance and reliability than conventional displays.

    Annelise Avril awarded the prize to Olivier Henriot for Augmented Reality project
    Annelise Avril awarded the prize to Olivier Henriot for Augmented Reality project

    Award in the People & Safety-Security category: The S-1 Gard system in Sweden

    In Sweden, Keolis has rolled out a system of barriers installed on the front of buses and in front of their rear wheels. This device, invented by the startup S-1 Gard, reduces the risk of serious accident in the event of a collision.

    Lydie Jallier awarded the prize to Gilles Martel for the S1 Gard project.
    Lydie Jallier awarded the prize to Gilles Martel for the S1 Gard project.

    Award in the PTAs & Economic Performance category: The Patterns CO2 solution by Hove

    Patterns CO2 is a solution that uses GPS data to track all journeys made in a given area, identify the modes of transport used and continuously map the evolution of CO2 emissions from mobility. Notably rolled out in the cities of Nancy and Rennes, the solution is an invaluable tool for decision-making and assessing the effectiveness of policies deployed by transit authorities, for example pedestrianization, bicycle lanes and dedicated lanes. In particular, it makes it possible to track the evolution of carbon emissions from mobility.

    Laurence Broseta awarded the prize to Sylvain Hippolyte for Patterns CO2 project.
    Laurence Broseta awarded the prize to Sylvain Hippolyte for Patterns CO2 project.

    Award in the Planet & Operational Excellence category: The Filgreen serious game in Tours

    Filgreen is a serious game designed to engage Keolis Tours employees in reducing their carbon footprint. Using data, artificial intelligence and gamification, drivers and managers can take part in a unique experience based on collective goals and individual challenges. Filgreen is a tool for involving and rewarding drivers and their managers – success is what counts.

    Clément Michel awarded the prize to Alexis Jovignot for the Filgreen project.
    Clément Michel awarded the prize to Alexis Jovignot for the Filgreen project.

    Watch highlights from the 2023 Innovation Awards ceremony in video

    Relive the 2021 edition

    Take a look back at selected initiatives rolled out in 2021 on our networks, presented during the first edition of the Innovation Awards.

    Discover a selection from the 135 projects submitted in 2021 in the article ‘Innovation in action: discover 27 initiatives across our networks!’

    Keep up to date with all the latest Keolis Group Innovation news by subscribing to our Newsletter

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