
Innovation Lab: Keolis Bordeaux Métropole Mobilités launches the TBMOUV! Mobilities Lab with Bordeaux Métropole

As part of the Public Service Concession awarded to Keolis Bordeaux for the period of 2023-2030, Bordeaux Métropole has endowed the Keolis subsidiary with a new €10 million fund dedicated to innovation. To innovate fast and effectively, and to benefit the surrounding regions, the company launched an Innovation Lab called the TBMOUV! Lab, which brings together key innovation players to design, test and roll out new products and services. The launch of the TBMouv! Lab is a perfect illustration of the Keolis Group’s vision: placing citizens at the center of its innovation approach in order to meet the specific challenges facing each region.



APR. 10, 2024

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Keolis Bordeaux Métropole Mobilités launches an open innovation process together with local stakeholders  

To its ambition of becoming a vanguard metropolitan area in global mobility within the next eight years, Bordeaux Métropole established an innovation fund for the exceptional sum of €10 million for the full duration of the contract (or €1.25 million per year).  

As the public transit authority contracted by the metropolitan area for the period of 2023-2030, Keolis Bordeaux Métropole Mobilités was tasked with co-constructing and co-managing, in partnership with the metropolitan area, an open innovation approach responding to four contractual themes:

- optimizing service quality for users; 

- contributing to the efficiency and productivity of urban transit and sustainable mobility services; 

- enhancing safety and security for users and operating staff; 

- meeting the challenges of sustainable development. 

Sustainable mobility

Mobility plays an important role in Bordeaux Métropole's sustainable development strategy.

The TBMOUV! Lab: an ecosystem of local players working on the mobility challenges of the future  

This agile Innovation Lab is already making it possible to bring together the region’s key economic players from various fields (including startups, SMEs and midcaps) and connect them with institutional partners (such as Bordeaux Métropole and Université de Bordeaux) to develop effective solutions for the future of mobility.

The TBMOUV! Lab brings together all the region's economic players
The TBMOUV! Lab brings together all the region's economic players

Pragmatism, experimentation and iteration form the foundation of the Lab, where each project benefits from a "test & learn" approach. The approach and its processes are firmly rooted in the real world, with a strong focus on efficiency. 

Light bulb icon
A "test & learn" approach to imagine tomorrow's mobility
TBMOUV Innovation Lab launch workshop!

This mode of operating makes it possible to explore a wide range of ideas, quickly test them in real-life situations, assess their value, pursue their development and rapidly generate promising solutions for the future.

An Innovation Lab that paves the way for rolling out new mobility solutions  

On April 28, the TBMOUV ! Lab was officially opened on the premises of Technowest, the Mérignac startup incubator, with teams from Bordeaux Métropole, the Keolis Group and its subsidiary in Bordeaux.  

Its first workshop focused on: 

- the Lab’s identity (name + logo); 

- its purpose; 

- its governance; 

- its global strategy. 

TBMOUV! innovation lab launch workshop
TBMOUV! innovation lab launch workshop
Group photo of the TBMOUV! Innovation Lab

The Innovation Lab has already identified its first innovative mobility projects designed to have a positive impact for users.

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