
In Besançon, a digital innovation for blind and visually impaired passengers

To make public transit more accessible for People with Reduced Mobility (PRM), Grand Besançon Métropole, Keolis Besançon Mobilités (holder of the Ginko network contract) and local associations for the blind and visually impaired people (CRDV, Voir Ensemble, Valentin HAÜY, MIRA Europe,…) implemented an innovative guidance application for blind and visually impaired passengers, developed by the company Ezymob, on the Ginko network in Besançon.


  • Logo Ezymob


JAN. 29, 2025

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Context: making all public transit more accessible

The Mobility Orientation Law of 2019 requires public and private entities to “facilitate and encourage the rollout of new solutions that empower everyone to get around”. The autonomy of people with disabilities is a critical issue for which Keolis has implemented a number of specific initiatives together with the municipalities where it operates.

Always in search of new solutions for improving transit accessibility and the passenger experience, Grand Besançon Métropole responded to a request from the Resource Center for the Visually Impaired (CRDV) to study the implementation of a digital guidance application developed by the startup Ezymob.

Visually impaired person on the street

Since 2019, the company has created solutions using artificial intelligence to improve accessibility for blind and visually impaired persons in public and private spaces, as well as transportation, with no need to alter existing infrastructure.

Innovation: a guidance application for blind and visually impaired passengers to expand the digital services of Ginko in Besançon

Between July and December 2022, the startup Ezymob, Grand Besançon Métropole and Keolis Besançon Mobilités launched the testing phase. Ten blind and visually impaired passengers installed the application on their smartphones and used it during their daily transit. The test group represented a wide range of disabilities and specific needs, including visually impaired passengers, blind passengers with and without a cane, with and without a guide dog, etc.

Adapted for the Ginko network in Besançon, the application uses artificial intelligence to offer three features:

•   identifying the doors of different vehicles (tram, bus, etc.) to guide the passenger directly to access points;

•   detecting empty seats to provide availability information and guide the passenger to an available seat;

•   audio guidance at complex interchanges to ensure safe entry and exit and simplify transfers.

Blind and visually impaired users thus benefit from an assistant that provides the information they need for their trip in real time, via video (large font on a screen) and/or audio.

Visually impaired person with a guide dog using the Easymob application
Visually impaired person with a guide dog using the Easymob application
The Easymob application offers 3 main functionalities thanks to AI

Carol Ambrosini, Marketing Director at Keolis Besançon Mobilités

Carol Ambrosini

Marketing Director at Keolis Besançon Mobilités

"In Besançon, we tend to involve our customers in each of our projects during the testing phase in order to meet passenger needs and take into account any necessary adjustments. In the case of Ezymob, we worked directly with the association CRDV."

Benefits: success among the application’s first users

The test on the Ginko network concluded at the end of 2022 on a positive note, the main point of caution relating to how blind and visually impaired passengers would adapt to using the application, given that it changes the way they normally use their smartphone.   

Following this adoption phase, the application received a warm welcome. Comments from the first users, compiled by Keolis Besançon Mobilités, show a high level of satisfaction and, above all, increased autonomy in all types of travel:

The application is easy to understand and each step is clear and precise.” (Isabelle)

I will be able to discover new places with this application.” (Dominique)

This application helps me get off at the right stop, which is usually fairly complicated.” (David)

A useful and practical application, especially when I’m traveling alone.” (Louna)

Visually impaired person using sound guidance on the Easymob application
Visually impaired person using sound guidance on the Easymob application

Ezymob Expands to 19 Trams, 114 Buses, and 130 Coaches

Testing proved the app’s value for visually impaired and blind passengers using the Ginko network. In September 2023, the app—renamed "Ginko Guide"—was deployed across 19 trams, 114 buses, and 130 coaches."A new step toward universal urban mobility," said Ezymob.

Over a year later, Ginko Guide continues to satisfy users. Ezymob improves the service based on user feedback. The interface is now even more accessible, thanks to Easy-to-Read (FALC) text, making information clearer for everyone. Latest update: The app, once iOS-only, is now available on Android!


app rating

1 194

unique users since launch

The Easymob application will soon be deployed throughout Besançon's Ginko network.

To find out more