In Tours, Keolis is equipping its maintenance staff with exoskeletons to prevent musculoskeletal disorders and relieve shoulder, back and arm strain.

Exoskeletons for the well-being of maintenance workers in Tours

Exoskeletons for the well-being of maintenance workers in Tours
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PostedJUL. 9, 2024
    In Tours, Keolis is equipping its maintenance staff with exoskeletons to prevent musculoskeletal disorders and relieve shoulder, back and arm strain.

    Exoskeletons for the well-being of maintenance workers in Tours

    Improving working conditions for employees is a top priority for Keolis, and the Group is committed to preventing MSDs among its workers. By analyzing workers’ tasks and the technical and human organization of their work, Keolis innovates and implements preventive solutions to enhance its team members’ well-being.


    Keolis Tours conducted an in-depth study of the MSD risks its maintenance workers face. For example, electricians working on buses reported recurring shoulder and arm pain due to the installation or repair of overhead cables in the vehicles. This uncomfortable position can eventually lead to joint problems.


    To address this, Keolis Tours has explored various organizational and technical changes. Finding it impossible to modify the electricians' workstations, the subsidiary identified exoskeletons as the most suitable solution. Easy to use and highly effective in assisting maintenance workers with overhead tasks, this innovation was put to the test.


    Exoskeletons to combat MSD risks

    Invented and manufactured by Ergosanté and HMT, exoskeletons are designed to relieve strenuous postures and protect the upper body (shoulders, arms and back) during tasks. The device not only helps prevent MSDs but also alleviates previously diagnosed joint disorders.


    Sarah Turcius, Health, Safety and Environment Quality Coordinator at Keolis Tours, introduced the exoskeleton during a workshop with bus electricians to gather feedback and test different models. The workers’ enthusiasm and positive results prompted management to quickly validate the project and decide to equip both bus electricians and tram maintenance workers with these exoskeletons.

    PLUM' exoskeleton worn by a bus maintenance worker

    The device PLUM’ designed to reduce muscle strain in the arms and shoulders during prolonged overhead tasks.

    Keolis Tours has acquired three exoskeleton models for different situations to prevent MSDs:

    - PLUM’: A device designed to reduce muscle strain in the arms and shoulders during prolonged overhead tasks (the first exoskeleton tested)

    - HAPO: A posture harness that relieves back strain and helps maintain good posture by protecting the lower back

    - MOON: A device that reduces neck strain and relieves the cervical spine during tasks that require looking upward


    These devices are now available to maintenance workers during long and repetitive operations to help reduce their physical strain.

    Expanding exoskeleton use

    The initial success of using exoskeletons has generated considerable interest within and beyond Keolis Tours. Other departments have expressed a desire to adopt this innovation, prompting management to conduct further MSD studies to evaluate the potential for expanding the use of these devices.

    Although the use of exoskeletons offers clear benefits, this solution should only be used as a last resort, implemented after exploring the possibilities for optimizing working conditions, such as reorganizing tasks or improving workforce distribution. It is also important to monitor the use of exoskeletons to ensure they do not cause physical issues in other parts of the body.

    The growing interest in this innovation, supported by positive experiences from other companies, has strengthened the belief that exoskeletons can play a crucial role in preventing MSDs and improving the working conditions for maintenance workers.

    Maintenance using an exoskeleton at Tours
    Maintenance using an exoskeleton at Tours

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